Saturday 21 September 2024

Gordon Beningfield Dandelion

I have lots of postage stamps with dandelion designs in the Dandelion Archive - stamp artists obviously like depicting this gorgeous flower! 

I have a few in the Archive where the dandelion is in the background and not the main feature and this one is of a Small Tortoiseshell butterfly issued in UK in 1981. The design is by the artist Gordon Beningfield who specialised in butterflies and was passionate about their conservation. The dandelion is quite stylised, and maybe a little too small in relation to the butterfly, but beautiful all the same.

Lesotho Dandelion Stamp

Look at this beauty! 

A gorgeous dandelion postage stamp from Lesotho, from 1995. I like to try and find details about the artist, but the only other information on the stamp is V. Seatile Nkhomo -  is this the artist's name? If it is I can't find any more information, which is a shame. This stamp is from a set of medicinal plants. And it's now in the Dandelion Archive.

Sebastian Kneipp Dandelion

I have this 1982 first day cover in the Dandelion Archive celebrating Sebastian Kneipp (1821-1897). A German Catholic priest, he is known for his wellness cures that included water therapy, a mainly plant based diet and the use of botanical medicines. The ink stamp on the envelope mentions the 'International Kneipp Congress', Vienna 1982, and both the envelope and stamp have a lovely dandelion design on them, along with a portrait of Kneipp. 

Monday 1 April 2024

Netherland children's stamps - with dandelions


I have a this lovely set of stamps in the Dandelion Archive. They are Dutch with the title Voor Het Kind - For the Child, dated from 1940 and designed by D van Gelder. 

The Children's stamps started in the Netherlands in 1924 and have been issued ever since (apart from 1942 - 1944 due to the Second World War). 

This set shows a young girl with a doll holding a dandelion clock collected from a plant by her knees. Sweet.

Wilko Weed Killer


While you could get Mattress Toppers upstairs at Wilko's with pretty photos of dandelions on the packaging, you could also get weedkiller downstairs to wipe them out from your garden path (see previous post).

The dandelion is almost exclusively used to represent all 'weeds' on weed killer products. Some people think that dandelions should be eradicated from their lawns and paths, and will use chemicals again and again to kill them off. 

What's so 'bad' about the dandelion? The dandelion is vital as an early source of nectar and pollen for insects, they are incredibly beautiful in both their flower and seed head stage, and pretty much every part of the dandelion is edible.... but they are common, resilient, persistent and perennial. Is that the problem? Be proud the dandelion has taken root in your lawn! You are helping pollinators by leaving them where they are.

Mattress Topper Dandelion

Dandelion seed heads are often used on the packaging of items - pleasing images used to prompt you to buy. 

I'm not entirely sure the connection between dandelions and mattress toppers... fluffy? Anyway, I saw this in Wilko's (how I miss that shop).

Model Dandelions

Who'd have thought you can buy tiny model dandelions for your train set!? 

This pack of 30 dandelions are made by German company Busch - and you put them together yourself (which I've not done yet - I might keep them in the original pack maybe). They must be the smallest dandelions in the Archive. 

Dandelion Socks

 Look at these beauties! Dandelion Socks.

I got these ages ago and they don't seem to have any labels, but they are bamboo (with cotton, polyester, nylon and elastane too). It says they are 'designed in Britain' but they are manufactured in China - so they've come a long way. They are now in the 'clothing and textiles' section of the Dandelion Archive.

Friday 29 March 2024

Mongolia Dandelion postage stamp


I have a couple of Mongolia dandelion postage stamps listed on the blog already - and here's another to add to them. It's dated 1991. Unlike the other two stamps this has an artist name on it: D. Urtnasan who looks to have illustrated other Mongolian stamps depicting animals, flowers, pets etc. I love this dandelion with its slender leaves and the Mongolian mountains in the background.

Jersey Butterflies and Moths first day cover - with dandelion


I've not posted on the dandelion blog for ages, but items keep being donated or I find new things to add to the Dandelion Archive all the time. So, with a little spare time I'll try and list some of them more often... we'll see.

Here's a beautiful first day cover of Jersey Butterflies and Moths dated 9th July 1991. I'm struggling to find any information about the artist W. Oliver, which is a shame as the illustrations are gorgeous. The beautiful Jersey Tiger moth is pictured on a wonderful dandelion. So, although in the background and not the main focus of the stamp, it makes it to the Dandelion Archive all the same.

Friday 30 December 2022

Jersey Dandelion First Day Cover

I have lots of postage stamps and a few first day covers with dandelions on them and here is a really lovely one from Jersey.

Jersey Wild Flower Definitives was published 19th July 2005 and the artist is Nick Parlett. The fabulous drawing of a dandelion doesn't appear on any of the stamps, only on the envelope and features the leaves, bud, flower and seed-head. 

Dandelion Safety Matches


I do try and find out more about all the objects in the Dandelion Archive, but I cannot find any information about this match box label at all, only what is written on it: 

Dandelion Safety Match made in Finland. Impregnated non-poisonous.

It's tiny (the size of a match box, obviously) and is now in the Dandelion Archive. I'll try and find out more of its history and the match company etc, but for now it remains informationless.

Dandelion Camembert Label

I've not posted anything on the Dandelion Blog for ages and ages (over a year) for a number of reasons - mainly because I've been busy with other stuff and things.

But I do keep collecting dandelion related objects and more items have been donated to the Dandelion Archive, so with a little spare time I want to update the blog...

Here is a beautiful label from a Camembert cheese box - gorgeous!

Magloire Roger was a camembert maker in the first quarter of the 20th century. According to the Camembert Museum (and google translate) "Mr. ROGER carried out his cheese business from a small Mayenne village of less than 200 inhabitants at the time, before the merger of Torcé-en-Charnie with Viviers, near the department of Sarthe."

Wednesday 23 June 2021

Dandelion flavoured worms!

I have a a few food items in the Dandelion Archive: tea, coffee, wine and syrup, but these are the first dandelion flavoured worms! I got them the other week from someone I know who makes lots of sweets and drinks from foraged wild plants. According to the ingredients they are made with dandelion florets. I've tried a few (obviously) and they taste really lovely. And I have saved a few for the archive too.

Monday 14 June 2021

Helen Thomas Dandelions

There's a new exhibition of beautiful paintings by Helen Thomas opening next month at Wakefield Cathedral. Dandelions and Double Yellows runs from 10 July - 15 August 2021.

She's also asking for submissions for an online gallery of pavement plants. There's more details and information on how to send your photos on Helen's website (the final deadline for submissions is 23 July 2021).

I'm in Wakefield in July and plan to go and visit the show. I can't wait to see Helen's work: weeds & dandelions are right up my (overgrown) street.

Image: Helen Thomas

Tuesday 23 February 2021

Ice Age Dandelion

I've highlighted a few dandelions spotted in films on this blog, but I think this one is pretty spectacular.

I was watching Ice Age (2002) and got this screen shot of Sid eating the rhinos Frank and Carl's salad:

Carl "A dandelion! I thought the frost wiped 'em all out"

But spying the dandelion Sid plucks it up and declares " Oh! Yum-o! A dandelion! Probably the last one of the season! 

And promptly eats it, swooning with its deliciousness.

Wednesday 20 January 2021

A to Z of TV Gardening

My mum tipped me off that there is currently a re-run of the BBC series 'A to Z of TV Gardening'. 

Presented by Carol Kirkwood* it's a programme made up of archive clips previously shown on the BBC - so it's a repeat of the repeats. 

31 minutes into the programme there's a feature on dandelions showing footage from Countryfile in 2008 where presenter Ben Fogle visits Paul Richards who grows dandelions as a crop for 'the alternative therapy market'. He then interviews Dominic Price from Plantlife International, who explains the complexity of the dandelion; and he finishes with interviewing Debs Cook from the Herbal Society in her charming kitchen for a 'gourmet dandelion masterclass in soup'. They add leaves to the soup and there's also a salad with both leaves and flower petals in. Ben sips Dandelion and Burdock, confessing how he doesn't remember it as a child (I bet the pop man never visited posh Ben's house), and she shows him coffee made from dandelion roots. 

Here's a link to the programme - it's on the BBC i-player for another 26 days:

A to Z of TV Gardening. Series 4: Letter D

*Carol introduces the dandelion segment holding up what she thinks is a dandelion, but quite clearly it isn't! Looks more like a Hawkbit / Catsear type of flower. 

Friday 15 January 2021

Dandelions on The Chase

Dandelions made it to The Chase quiz show last night. I don't especially watch it, so it's a fluke that I saw it. 

The question: What part of a dandelion can be roasted and used as a substitute for coffee?

A: The root 

B: The stem 

C: The petals

The contestant got it right (the answer is A: the root). However, the Chaser got it wrong! Ha.

Wednesday 30 December 2020

Japanese Dandelion Stamp

I've collected quite a few postage stamps with Dandelions on for the Dandelion Archive: and here are some from Japan. According to a website about stamps they depict a '
Smaller Green Flower Chafer (Oxycetonia jucunda) on Dandelion' and were issued in 1997. 

Dandelion Postcard

I got this postcard for the Dandelion Archive a while ago - it's by Judges Ltd, a company based in Hastings. It's a funny little image with a beautiful dandelion in flower and in seed, with tiny figures of a frog and a child holding an individual seed each. On the back it is addressed to a Master R Wheway in York from Alison and is postmarked 1937.

Tuesday 3 November 2020

Estonian First Day Cover Dandelion

This Estonian first day cover from 2004 has been donated to the Dandelion Archive - thanks!

Written on the stamp is Harilik võilill Taraxacum officinale and it was designed by Lembit Lõhmus. The issue of these stamps in September 2004 marked the beginning of self adhesive stamps in Estonia - according to the Estonia National Museum website:

Thursday 17 September 2020

Covid19 Dandelion

I've found an instance where an image of a dandelion is being used in connection to Covid-19.

I was looking up travel restrictions and rules etc for travelling in Europe and as I was checking details on the Belgium government website I noticed their use of a dandelion image on the Coronavirus news page. 

I'm still trying to work it out what the connection is between Covid-19 and dandelions.

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Hague's Dandelion and Burdock

I was given this drink label a while ago for the Dandelion Archive. Charles Hague of Parkgate was a family business based in Yorkshire running from 1950's until 1980's and this is their Dandelion and Burdock pop label. Looking online for more infomation about the company it seems that it was run by the dad of William Hague (former Conservative MP). Despite this nugget of information, I do like the design with its bold illustration of a dandelion.

Wednesday 29 July 2020

Eire Dandelion (in the background) Postage Stamp

Dandelions are often not the main focus of an artwork and instead they are in the background. It is quite hard to search for items with dandelions as they are not listed in the description of the object. The result is hours of internet trawling - an addiction trying to hunt them out.
Here is an example of this: a postage stamp from Eire (Ireland) issued in 1994 showing a  gorgeous Garden Tiger Moth - on a Dandelion.  It doesn't seem easy to find the artist's name, but one source has listed the illustrater as I Loe. I can't find confirmation of this, plus I can't find much information on I Loe either... sorry about that.
The stamp, from a series of four showing different moths, is now safely in the Dandelion Archive.

Sunday 28 June 2020

Mongolia Dandelion Postage Stamp (another one)

Here is another of my Dandelion Stamps in the archive. Issued in 1985, it's another one from Mongolia and has the latin name Taraxacum officinale on it. Again, I can't find the artist's name. Mongolia seem to like dandelions on stamps - this is one of three different ones i've found so far. 
I can feel a trip to Mongolia coming on.... (when coronavirus allows etc).

Thursday 4 June 2020

Mongolia Dandelion Postage Stamp

I've put a few postage stamps with Dandelions on this blog before - ones from Germany, Ireland, Estonia, Poland and Iceland. 
I've continued to collect stamps with Dandelions for the archive and this one here is one of my favourites, mainly because of the triangular shape. Issued in Mongolia in 1973 it shows a lovely image of Taraxacum mongolicum. I can't find much information on the stamp, the artist for example, but i'll keep looking. The stamp is from a series on wild flowers.
I did find that Taraxacum mongolicum has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for a long time with it's mineral elements being very rich.

Thursday 30 April 2020

Albrecht Dürer's Dandelion

I visited Vienna in November last year and while wandering around the city I saw this building wrap showing perhaps one of the most famous dandelions in the art world. Advertising an exhibition at the Albertina Museum it shows Albrecht Dürer's watercolour The Great Piece of Turf painted in 1503.  With so many amazing museums in Vienna, I didn't go to the Albertina this time (I have been years ago and saw the painting then), but i was very glad to see it reproduced so big for all to enjoy. 
I wonder what they did with the building wrap? That would be a great addition to the Dandelion Archive...

Dandelion fields

We are currently in a semi lockdown here because of the coronavirus pandemic (I say 'semi' because we are allowed to go out for exercise, shopping, getting medical prescriptions and, it would seem by the amount of traffic on the roads, pretty much anything else too). 
So, for the last 6 weeks I have only been able to walk locally for my daily exercise. Although I only have a tiny back yard I'm lucky where I live as it's situated on the edge of the city, near a river and where there are a good number of walks where you don't see too many other people.
Yesterday evening we went for a walk in the fields at the back of the house. The birds were beginning their evening song and the smell of the new hawthorn blossom was warm and strong. And the best sight of all was a field of dandelions looking so beautiful in the soft evening light, the many seed heads aglow in the sunshine. An uplifting sight in these times of isolation and uncertainty. 

Thursday 16 April 2020

Dandelionfest on Wildflower Hour

It's #Dandelionfest this week on Wildflowerhour on Sunday 19th April 2020
Go to @wildflower_hour on Twitter to post your photos of dandelions and if you need help to identify some of the micro species.
Great idea!

Tuesday 28 January 2020

Dandelion Jumpsuit

I know i've not updated the Dandelion Blog in ages, but it doesn't mean i'm not still collecting information about them or items for the archive, i've just been incredibly busy.
So, i'm going to try and make more of an effort to do more blog posts this year... starting with a snapshot I took last year in a NY gallery of a woman in a jumpsuit with a rather gorgeous dandelion design all over it. Fabulous darling!

Monday 30 September 2019

Ruskin: Museum of the Near Future

One of my screen prints of dandelion leaves is on show in a very beautiful exhibition:

Ruskin: Museum of the Near Future is on show at the Ruskin Library, Museum and Research Centre based at Lancaster University. The exhibition runs until 25 November 2019 and is open to the public every week day 10am - 4pm.

I'm delighted my print, A Week of Dandelions, is included - it's displayed on a wall in the gallery surrounded by drawings and sketches by John Ruskin (1819 - 1900). The Ruskin Museum, based in Coniston, describes Ruskin as 

"Artist, critic, pundit on aesthetics and ethics, thinker, seer, this social revolutionary challenged the moral foundations of Victorian Britain."

Ruskin Library website

Saturday 1 June 2019

Bernard Leach Dandelion

I have work in an exhibition in Cornwall at the moment and while visiting last month I went to the Leach Pottery in St Ives. It's a really wonderful museum, studio and gallery and i've always wanted to visit.
On our way out of the museum, in the porch on the floor are two tiles decorated by Leach with dandelions! It was my friend who pointed them out, i would have missed them otherwise. The woman working in the shop cleaned them up for me so I could take photos. Here is one of the tiles - how beautiful it is.

Thursday 18 October 2018

Flight of Dandelion seeds study in Nature

There's a really great article published in Nature this week about the work of scientists who have worked out how dandelion seeds fly. Until now researchers thought that an unattached vortex would be too unstable to persist in nature, however they have found that the seeds of the dandelion use vortices that materialise just above their surface, lifting the seed into the air. The humble dandelion can still teach us exciting things. Amazing!

Read the full article here:

Friday 5 October 2018

Rustic Oracles ending 7th October

My archive intervention Dandelions: Rustic Oracles at the Harris Museum, Art Gallery & Library in Preston finishes on 7th October 2018 - so you only have a few days left to see it.
Within the displays and galleries I have placed dandelion objects, artworks and books for you to find. Ceramics, prints, embroideries and food items are all included in the exhibition and have been selected from the Harris Museum collection, or on loan from my Dandelion Archive.
Here is one of the items on display: a red dress embroidered with dandelions (in red thread) and it's placed in the costume department.

Monday 24 September 2018

17th & 18th Century Botany Books

Come and handle 17th and 18th century botany books from the Harris Museum collection in a free event open to all. You will get the chance to see some incredibly beautiful botany books up close and books that show dandelions. You will also get the chance to try and discover all the dandelion objects, books and artworks that have been placed within the collection and galleries for you to find.

The event at the Harris Museum, Art Gallery and Library in Preston 
5.30 - 7.30 on Wednesday 26th September 2018 
and is FREE!!

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Dandelion Crayola

Look what I got!
I've known for a while that Crayola do a Dandelion crayon, but never managed to get my hands on one. However, I am currently in California and while browsing the stationary section in the supermarket I saw the different Crayola packs and opened a box to see. And what a gorgeous colour it is! It is named 'dandelion, diente de leon, pissenlit' and is in a pack of 24 crayons. 
The pack states " Made with solar power! Starting Spring 2010, solar panels provide enough power to make a BILLION crayons each year!"
When I return home the Dandelion crayon (along with the others) will go into the Dandelion Archive.

The Herball or Generall History of Plantes

One of the books selected for inclusion in my exhibition Dandelions: Rustic Oracles at the Harris Museum, is The Herball or Generall History of Plantes by John Gerard from 1636.  It is from the Dr Shepherd's Library Collection at the museum.

It is a large volume with absolutely beautiful illustrations throughout of different plants. It is currently on display in a cabinet in the reference library at the Harris Museum in Preston, and is of course open on the page listing dandelions.

The Herball will remain on display until the end of the exhibition on 7th October 2018.

Sunday 9 September 2018

Dandelion Tea and Coffee

Here are some more objects from my Dandelion Archive in the exhibition Dandelions: Rustic Oracles at the Harris Museum, Art Gallery & Library in Preston.
Shown here are examples of dandelion tea and coffee and also a beautiful cup and saucer from Russia that have been placed in the display about Teetotallism. 
Teetotalism was first started in Preston and is the practice of total abstinence from alcohol. There is a display dedicated to the movement in the Harris Museum, so the dandelion tea, coffee and cup & saucer seemed to fit quite well.
The exhibition runs until 7th October 2018.

Dandelions at the Harris Museum

Here is one of the cabinets in my Dandelions: Rustic Oracles exhibition at the Harris Museum, Art Gallery & Library. I spent time looking in their special collection of books in the library and chose a number of really beautiful books to go on display in the exhibition.
Alongside this book I have put a packet of dandelion seeds from China and also a box of weed killer (with an image of dandelions on the box), both from the Dandelion Archive.
What a contradictory relationship we have with this beautiful plant!
The exhibition runs until 7th October 2018

Saturday 8 September 2018

Harris Museum Dandelions

My archive intervention at the Harris Museum, Art Gallery & Library continues until 7th October 2018, so there is still plenty of time to go and discover all the dandelion related objects within the collection.
I have put dandelion items from my Dandelion Archive alongside items chosen from the Harris collection and also their library too. However, you have to discover them yourself by exploring the museum, as i've not detailed where each item is. You might not find them all...

A leaflet / poster has been produced and is available for free at the Museum. The image about shows the poster side. Go and collect one now!