Thursday 22 March 2018

First Dandelion of 2018

Here is an image of the first dandelion i've seen in flower in 2018.
I've been looking out for the first dandelion here in Preston for a while. It's been a cold few months and i've seen a couple of dandelions nearly ready to come out, but not fully. However, yesterday I was walking along the river and saw a few in full flower. Hoorah! They're back.


  1. Hi there. Somehow stumbled upon your blog and thought I'd share that the dandelion is the symbol for US military 'brats' - the children of military parents. You may have already come across that but they chose it because it "blooms where it's planted" - like all of us military kids attempted to do!

  2. I didn't know this - thanks for the information! Sorry it took so long for me to publish your comment.
